Thursday, October 18, 2012


I think that Angiers brings up an essential point when she says that we largely overlook aggression and violence between girls. Little girls are not expected to fight, even though little boys are. Women grow up being told they can't be aggressive, can't be violent, but they are. Maybe this is why female violence manifests itself so differently than male aggression. Women are generally passive aggressive, using psychological violence. I thought that the comment in class, that women use exclusion as a tactic of violence, was particularly astute. Men are usually much more direct. Women feel that they can't actually act out the violent feelings that they have, can't show anger, have to express it through tears and cattiness, because being violent makes them less feminine. For men it is the opposite; men have to be violent. It is really problematic to have these dichotomous expectations of how we should express our emotions.

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