Thursday, September 27, 2012

Iron Jawed Angels

This movie infuriated me. I hate to think about what these woman had to suffer in order to achieve something so fundamental, and the ways in which they belittled by those in power, how their fellow women belittled themselves. But I am eternally grateful that they persevered. The fact that in such recent history women were not even considered full citizens boggles my mind. It brings to mind the struggles of middle class women in the victorian ages accused of hysteria. Women were praised for being emotional but not allowed to show emotion. At least, not too much. And not too little either. Women were confined in the boring middle, placid beings with no extremes, and any woman who went to the extreme was not a real woman. I think my favorite character was the senator's wife because of the transformation she underwent as a suffragist. She was perhaps even stronger than the other characters, because she gave up her family for the cause. I was very impressed by her strength. I hope that I would be like these woman if I was fighting for such a cause. I think it's very important that we remember what has been done for us and not take these rights for granted. Needless to say, I will be voting this November!

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