Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Post-Modern and Third Wave Feminism

Post-modern/third wave feminism is definitely the kind of feminism that I fall under. I felt distanced when reading the perspectives of first and second generation feminism, like I had to either reject my "feminine" side completely or struggle with the difficulty of balancing both male and female roles at once. I know that I want to be a mother and I know that I want to be a professional, and thinking about doing both at once is daunting. It is comforting and inspiring to know that there is a newer, more open form of feminism that allows women to define what makes them feminine. While in traditional, patriarchal society, women were told what to do by men, it seems like first and second generation feminism were all about women telling women what to do. Third-generation feminism allows all women, no matter their background, to pursue the things that they think make them women, the things that allow them to live to their full potential as women, without fear of being bad feminists.

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